Power Quality Solutions
Our team of experts would identify the critical, sections by doing the power quality study with power analyser & other test & measuring instruments.
We address the power quality problems with relevant solutions & technological innovative products to eliminate the Voltage Fluctuations by IGBT based AVC or Servo Controlled Stabilizer, Power Factor Correction by APFC or Hybrid P.F.C Panels, Harmonic Problems by Filters : Passive, Active or Hybrid.
We are associated with Certified Energy Auditor who can undertake detailed energy audit of your facilities , where elaborated measurements will be done for various parameters Electrical, Thermal & Mechanical followed with recommendations for Energy Efficiency & technical implementation and pay back period etc.
We provide services of overhauling of Servo Stabilizer any make up to 1500KVA. We also provides the required spares parts such as Carbon Rollers / Flat Carbon Brushes Assembly, Voltage Regulator Coils, Buck Boost Transformers, Servo Motors, Repairs of PCB Cards.
We provide services / repairs & overhauling of APFC panels of any make / model.
Power Monitoring and Management Solutions, by getting the data from any meter, through customised software , generating reporting department wise, machine wise, product wise, energy consumption analysis, demand monitoring & deviation, DG Set monitoring generation and efficiency, Auto Email of all reports, SMS / Email alerts.
Condition Monitoring assessment of equipments in Process Industries & Switchyard such as Infra red Hot Spots by Thermal imaging cameras & detection of corona discharge in transmission lines & EHV substation by ultraviolet (U.V) imaging cameras.